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Subsidy to buy your house

The Government of the Canary Islands has decided to grant a subsidy for first-time young homebuyers.

The grant will cover up to 20% of the maximum total cost of the purchase, with a limit of 11.000€ per property. The dateline to present the grant request is the 31st of June 2021.

To qualify you should be under the age of 35 and have bought the property between the 1st of September 2020 and the 30th of June 2021, being such property your habitual residence for at least the 5 years following the purchase.

In order to be benefit from such grant there are also other requirements to follow:

Your annual income must not exceed 22.558€, but if you have a large family (3 or 4 children) or if there’s someone in the family with a general disability such income can be up to 30.076€. Instead, if the large family is rated under the category of special (5 children or more) or there’s a family member with an special disability the limit has been set up at 37.595€.

You must have requested a mortgage that covers at least 50% of the total value of the purchase.

Also, none of the family members can own a property, unless they can prove their inability to enjoy the property. Some of these exceptions are the non-availability of the house because of a separation/divorce, building in ruins or inaccessibility to the property.